Download The Crazy Wisdom of Ganesh Baba: Psychedelic Sadhana, Kriya by Eve Baumohl Neuhaus PDF

By Eve Baumohl Neuhaus

The middle teachings and riotous lifetime of the psychedelic yogi Ganesh Baba

• provides the lessons of Ganesh Baba’s “Crea” Yoga, which he derived from the tantric practices of conventional Kriya Yoga

• Explains the fundamental routines for following the Crea (creative) Yoga perform

• contains many anecdotes from the colourful lifetime of this “psychedelic” baba

Shri Mahant Swami Ganeshanand Saraswati Giri (ca. 1895-1987) was once identified to all who enjoyed and studied with him easily as Ganesh Baba. on the age of 4, he used to be introduced again from dying via an initiation via Lahiri Mahasaya and during this initiation descends from an identical Kriya Yoga lineage as Paramahansa Yogananda. He grew to become a swami lower than his guru Sivananda and later went directly to run the Anandamayi Ma ashram. attracted to the lifetime of the Naga Babas, he turned the top of the Ananda Akhara, Naga fans of Lord Shiva who contemplate hashish and different entheogens to be the present of the gods. the original set of rules and workouts Ganesh Baba built from the tantric practices of conventional Kriya Yoga and Shivaism grew to become the middle of his own teachings of Crea (for inventive) Yoga. Ganesh Baba’s message of systematic synthesis of the religious and secular used to be rigorously constructed for and embraced through modern scholars within the Sixties, particularly these whose direction integrated using entheogens.

This ebook includes the middle of Ganesh Baba’s Crea Yoga teachings, from the start phases of awake keep an eye on of one’s posture, breath, and a focus to eventually extending one’s expertise to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Eve Baumohl Neuhaus exhibits that the lifetime of this student and loopy saint was once as instructive as his teachings. She comprises many own memories of this inspirational and difficult instructor from her personal lifestyles and people of fellow scholars, which display that Ganesh Baba’s amazing lifestyles was once in accordance with his personal function because the embodiment of Lord Ganesh, the remover of stumbling blocks.

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