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By Andrew Harvey

This anthology collects the main lyrical, passionate, illuminating writings of the Hindu mystical culture. Andrew Harvey, the preferred non secular pupil and author, has chosen excerpts from historic and modern resources, together with extracts from the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and different classical Hindu texts; the phrases of such venerable non secular lecturers as Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi; and the devotional poetry of Mirabai, Ramprasad, and so forth. The scope of this anthology makes it a fabulous advent to Hindu mystical literature, whereas the facility and wonder of the language will motivate these already acquainted with the style.

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Teachings of the Hindu Mystics

This anthology collects the main lyrical, passionate, illuminating writings of the Hindu mystical culture. Andrew Harvey, the preferred religious pupil and author, has chosen excerpts from old and modern resources, together with extracts from the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and different classical Hindu texts; the phrases of such venerable non secular lecturers as Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi; and the devotional poetry of Mirabai, Ramprasad, etc.

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This ultimate realization, Ramakrishna made clear, is always the gift of the Mother, for only the force and love of the Mother can forever explode and rubble all possible distinctions between “here” and “there,” “eternity” and “time,” “Body” and “Soul” and so finally birth her divine human child into deathless Presence, alive with the Mother’s own miraculous power of healing and creativity. And in his extraordinary life, Ramakrishna gave us sign after sign that he had truly become her child, the founder-father-mother of a whole new world of children waiting to be born.

In this intermediate state he makes and dissolves impressions by the light of the Self. In that third state of consciousness there are no chariots, no horses drawing them or roads on which to travel, but he makes up his own chariots, horses, and roads. In that state there are no joys or pleasures, but he makes up his own joys and pleasures. In that state there are no lotus ponds, no lakes, no rivers, but he makes up his own lotus ponds, lakes, and rivers. It is he who makes up all these from the impressions of his past or waking life.

It is these impressions that determine his next life. In this intermediate state he makes and dissolves impressions by the light of the Self. In that third state of consciousness there are no chariots, no horses drawing them or roads on which to travel, but he makes up his own chariots, horses, and roads. In that state there are no joys or pleasures, but he makes up his own joys and pleasures. In that state there are no lotus ponds, no lakes, no rivers, but he makes up his own lotus ponds, lakes, and rivers.

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