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By Peter J. Carroll

A witty and iconoclastic remark on magick and sleek occult lifestyle by way of one of many founders of Chaos Magick. PsyberMagick includes incredible, debatable and innovative rules at the conception and perform of magick, the constitution of the universe and the character of the brain. It holds many surprises because it demanding situations the various traditional assumptions and paradigms of magick. full of sensible innovations, PsyberMagick provide the ability to undo the fallacy of "being" and achieve "sideways" into imaginary time to complete magic(k). performed within the type of Aleister Crowley's ebook of Lies, and humorously illustrated, this booklet is a needs to for all Chaoist and Western magicians.

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Every little bit of light brings its own little bit of darkness with it to bal­ ance the books. This renders light intangible and allows it to pass through itself. ~, /15 Commentary 55 Chapter 55 SPINWARP Hyperspins If we designate the spatial direction of propagation/interac­ tion/measurement of a 'particle' as the z axis, and the two directions of imaginary time as a and b, then in addition to experimentally verified chirality spin about the z axis we can also I) Spins about the z axis involving rotation in time dimen­ sions: t/ab, albt, b/at..

No 'Truth'. Every Possibility. II9 Chapter 57 SPINWARP Commentary 57 VI Exclusion The z-time 'family' spins of all spinwarps correspond to their spatial displacements in the direction of propagation/ interaction/measurement. The magnitude ], 2 or 3 of this spin denotes family group only; the sign of the spin denotes the orientation of the zt spin only. fermion (matter) spinwarps have a spatial displace­ ment and resist interpenetration, preventing you from walking through brick walls. Boson (energy) spinwarps have 'family' spin/antispin configurations which negate their spatial displacement, allowing any amount of radia­ tion to occupy the same place, and thus allowing you to see across the room, or to see Andromeda, or to pack as many photons into a laser beam as vou can afford.

Thus Ii, 23i and -127i represent imaginary numbers. As imaginary numbers measure intan­ gible phenomena so well, less confusion would have arisen if mathematicians had called them 'intangible' instead. create time by picking out a thin stream of dubious causality from the intangible immensity all around us. Paradoxically, the convenient fiction of one dimensional 'real' time arises from our imagination, but the greater real­ ity of the three dimensional temporal continuum has to bear the somewhat derisory label of 'imaginary'.

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