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Quoted in Idel, Mystical Experience in Abra­ ham Abula/ia, p. 26. 32. Abraham Abulafia, /fayye ha-

Details of Luria's immensely influential teachings can be found in Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, pp. 244-86. Tikkunei Zohar, end of Tikkun 22. See, for example, Proclus, Elements of Theology, prop. 7 . Philo, De Posteritate Caini 48, p . 1 69 . Scholem, 80. 81. 82. Mystical Speech and Mystical Meaning 41 83. Plotinus, Enneads, bk. V, tractate 2. 1 , trans. Stephen McKenna (London, 1917-1930). 84. Plotinus, Enneads, bk. V, tractate 5 . 5 . 8 5 . Azriel o f Gerona, Perush Eser Se/irot, "Explanation of the Ten Sefirot," found as a prolegomenon to Meir Ibn Gabbai, Se/er Derekh Emunah (Warsaw, 1850), pp.

39. See also the advice of Rabbi Judah al-Botini, SuI/am ha-'Alujah (late fifteenth to early sixteenth century), chapters 8 to 10 of which were published by Gershom Scholem in Kirjath Seier 22 (1945): 162-7 1 , which gives detailed and extended examples of how these permutations are to be conducted. , 37 Understanding Jewish Mysticism (New York, 1982), vol. 2, pp. 42-79. 33. Quoted in Lawrence Fine's interesting essay, "Recitation of Mishnah as a Vehicle for Mystical Inspiration: A Contemplative Technique Taught by Hayyim Vital," Revue des etudesjuives 141 (January-June 1982): 183- 99.

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