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By Dion Fortune

Lines the traditional Qabalistic, Greek, and Egyptian roots of the Western esoteric structures, and the way the initiation culture has been passed down from adept to neophyte. Dion Fortune finds either the vast outlines and underlying ideas of those structures. incorporates a new creation via Gareth Knight. Index.

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It is the first thing that impresses one in meeting those who may justly be reckoned as initiates. There is a simplicity of life and a serenity of demeanour. The initiate is entirely unperturbed amid catastrophe and D 49 THE TRAINING AND WORK OF AN INITIATE horror. He possesses many of the qualities of a traveller in wild lands, especially an ability to arrive right side up and smiling in the most surprising circumstances, He is equally contented and at ease in the humblest cottage and the most imposing and ceremonious surroundings.

His method, however, is not that of direct attack in which he "wills" the change of the unpleasant condition, but is directed to bring about certain changes in his own consciousness. for he knows that it is his own 54 DAILY LIFE UPON THE PATH temperament which is the real instrument of karma. It is only through those factors in his own nature which react that karma can. affect him. He knows that certain conditions come to him in order that they may provoke certain reactions in his own nature, and according to his handling of these reactions will be his karma, even in the present life.

The Path is a way of life and on it the whole being must co-operate if the heights are to be won. When the Seeker awakes to the possibilities of Initiation and sets out on his quest of the Great Initiator he will not be long before he finds someone who is willing to direct him, and his perplexity as to the direction of his search will be exchanged for anxiety as to the right choice of a guide. We cannot remind our readers too often that the Great Initiator comes in the Silence to the higher consciousness, and is never a human being, however supernatural and secluded.

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