Download The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead by Stephan A. Hoeller PDF

By Stephan A. Hoeller

"Many many years later Jung commented hence upon those sermons:
'All my paintings, all my artistic task, has come from these preliminary fantasies... every little thing that I comprehensive in later lifestyles used to be already contained in them...'"

"'The lifeless got here again from Jerusalem, the place they didn't locate what they have been seeking.' So starts the fast esoteric treatise "The Seven Sermons to the Dead" through the overdue C.G. Jung, reproduced the following with an advent and large remark and research via the discovered and insightful Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller.... Hoeller's writing is intellectually sound and spiritually compelling. there's no dry research or tedious language here."

"Throughout the complete publication, Hoeller controlled to set the tone for the correct absorption of the fabric. His interpretations may perhaps simply be taken as a definitive notice at the Seven Sermons, despite the fact that, i feel it has to be very unlikely to learn the sermons with out already having a few standpoint of your individual already, because it addresses matters that are inherently a part of each guy or woman's carrying on with look for wholeness."

Jungian psychology in response to a bit recognized treatise he authored in his past years; "Seven Sermons to the Dead".

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Additional info for The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead

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The work we refer to is known as The Seven Sermons to the Dead. Preaching to the Dead Carl Jung permitted the publication of only one solitary fragment from the vast amount of archetypal material which he wrote under mysterious inspiration in the early part of his career. It was written in a short time sometime between December 15, 1916, and February 16, 1917. * The writing of this small book was heralded by weird events and was replete with phenomena of a parapsychological nature. First, several of Jung's children saw and felt ghostly entities in the house, while he himself felt an ominous atmosphere all around him.

Puech, G. C. R. ) What was Jung,'s true view of Gnosticism? Unlike most scholars until quite recently, Jung never believed Gnosticism to have been a Christian heresy of the second and third centuries. Neither did he pay attention to the endless disputes of experts about the possible Indian, Iranian, Greek and other origins of Gnosticism. Earlier than any authority in the field of Gnostic studies, Jung recognized the Gnostics for what they were: seers who brought forth original, primal creations from the mystery which he called the unconscious.

In fact, more people are familiar with the antonym of Gnostic, which is agnostic, literally meaning a non-knower or ignoramus, but figuratively describing a person with no faith in religion who still resents being called an atheist. Yet Gnostics were around long before agnostics and for the most part appear to have been a far more exciting category of persons than the latter group. In contradistinction to non-knowers, they considered themselves knowers-gnostikoi in Greek-denoting those who have Gnosis or knowledge.

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