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By Ivanova E.V.

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This force compels man to involve, during involution, to descend the levels of consciousness. Then, when he has acquired the various necessary elements, man receives the "'Initiation of the Nadir" and the force changes direction. Man is compelled to evolve and to ascend the levels of consciousness but with the complete freedom of choosing his return path. A genuine initiation is a modification of man's inner structure ensuring that the contact between the various levels of consciousness is reestablished.

The levels are equivalent in man and in the Solar Being therefore there is a harmonious link between them and a reciprocal action of one upon the other. Each planet has a twofold aspect which corresponds to the duality of its level. THE COSMIC WIND When Primary Energy leaves eternity for space-time, it takes on a double, active and passive aspect but separates into several types of energy. As the white light of the sun splits into beams of colored lights when it passes through a prism, so does the energy crossing the Abyss, split into 7 colors, into 7 different aspects, each of which has a double, active and passive polarity.

The other levels have all been less affected the farther away they are from "level 10". Thus, at the time of his death our materialist only possesses what has been fixed in him in the levels between 9 and 1 - which is not much. By the time of rebirth, man receives a virgin "level 10" which he should progressively build by contact with the physical world. He has previously acquired all the structures he created in higher levels of consciousness. The knowledge of a physical past is possible only by consulting the Archives of Nature.

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