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By Meher Baba

Ebook via Meher Baba

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This does not mean that you should become inactive. On the contrary it means that you should be constantly alert towards the expressive Beauty of the All-pervading Beloved. On this Hafiz has said, If you want your Beloved to be present, do not absent yourself for one moment from His Presence. The Perfect Master is in everything, and is the Centre of everything. Ever one and every thing is therefore equidistant from Him. Though, owing to our own limitations, He appears outwardly to be present at only one place at a time, He is on every plane of consciousness at one and the same time.

Of the Unlimited is the Sadguru. ) Although by 'ear-whispering' Kabir speaks specifically of the 5th plane Gurus, Gurus of the 6th plane may also be included as both are within the domain of the Limited. We find three types of Gurus or Masters in the world at all times: The impostor; The genuine but limited Guru—the Wali or Master of the 5th plane and the Pir or Master of the 6th plane; The perfect Guru or Sadguru who is God-realized. When a Wali is pleased with someone he whispers or breathes a divine Word in his ear, or he looks steadily into the eyes of the person concerned and causes a lift in that person's consciousness.

Exerting yourself to comprehend my divine Game through the process of understanding opens up vast fields of speculation in which you wander and arrive sooner or later at a dead-end, finding yourself hopelessly lost. If my actions cause confusion it is because of your lack of complete trust. Therefore uproot all doubt and remember well that whatever I do is for the best. All my actions are my divine response born of my divine love. [ 46 ] 29 The Questioning Mind Your love and faith has drawn you from hundreds of miles to be with me for a few hours.

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