Download Inner Space: Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation and by Aryeh Kaplan PDF

By Aryeh Kaplan

One of the themes mentioned within the first a part of Innerspace are the Kabbalistic universes during which we may possibly hold close to G-d, the consistent interaction among the religious and the actual, and the concept that of Divine windfall. partly , Rabbi Kaplan explores the textual content of Ezekiel's "Vision of the Chariot". He finds that every one prophecy stems from meditation and information the learning a prophet undergoes.


Title: for those who learn only one booklet on kabbalah, make it this one
Stars: 5

"Inner Space" is extremely steered for these looking an advent to real kabbalah. It includes transcripts of a sequence of lectures at the kabbalistic process given via Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, a good instructor of the former iteration, and it testifies to his fabulous skill to transmit profound rules in a readily-graspable manner. even supposing this is often an introductory textual content, it includes many views which are expressed in a special method, so it'd be fairly worthwhile even for the extra complex pupil of Jewish mysticism.

"Inner Space" was once edited and annotated via Rabbi Avraham Sutton, a disciple of Rabbi Kaplan who has turn into an exceptional instructor of the internal Jewish traditions in his personal correct. at the present time he teaches in Jerusalem, the place I merited to fulfill him, and used to be deeply inspired through his humility, generosity, kindness, and Torah studying.

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Example text

2 The main property of light is that it has no bounds. 3 Gevurah parallels the second day of creation. 4 The Rakia-Firm&ment was created on the second day. Hence, the concept of Gevurah relates to barriers. Gevurah-Restrzint is then the opposite of Chesed-Love. Chesed is essentially God giving of Himself unrestrictedly, opening doors all the way. The definition of Gevurah, on the other hand, is "Who is strong (gibor)? " 5 Gevurah, the idea of Divine strength, is God's ability to withhold Himself from creation and to close doors.

Pleasure can be good or evil, as it can lead into either direction. Through the act of A/Z/flA-Circumcision, we remove the Klipah^ztnev from our pleasure experience, and therefore our desire for pleasure becomes pure holiness. Sexual desire is the one thing that is most often responsible for leading a person away from God. This happens because, as we saw, the evil inclination is involved in Yesod, since the first sin occurred on the sixth day, which was the attribute of yeW-Foundation. 29 In this sense, the Or/flA-Foreskin also represents the fact that the relationship between man and God, which is the Yesod relationship, is not complete.

Tiferet means Chesed, Gevurah and Tiferet 63 you are able to harmonize and blend these two extremes. In terms of the human body, Chesed is the right arm and Gevurah is the left arm. Tiferet is not both hands together, however, but rather the torso with all its complexity. Whereas Chesed-L\$\X was created on the first day, and GevurahFirmament was created on the second day, on the third day, God separated the seas and the dry land. In other words, the third day set boundaries: not all sea, not all dry land, but a balance between the two.

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