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Best mysticism books

Ennead V (Loeb Classical Library, Volume 444)

Plotinus (204/5-270 CE) was once the 1st and maximum of Neoplatonic philosophers. His writings have been edited by way of his disciple Porphyry, who released them a long time after his master's loss of life in six units of 9 treatises every one (the Enneads).

Plotinus seemed Plato as his grasp, and his personal philosophy is a profoundly unique improvement of the Platonism of the 1st centuries of the Christian period and the heavily comparable considered the Neopythagoreans, with a few affects from Aristotle and his fans and the Stoics, whose writings he knew good yet used severely. he's a distinct blend of mystic and Hellenic rationalist. His proposal ruled later Greek philosophy and stimulated either Christians and Moslems, and remains to be alive this day due to its union of rationality and severe spiritual event.

In his acclaimed variation of Plotinus, Armstrong offers very good introductions to every treatise. His beneficial notes clarify vague passages and provides connection with parallels in Plotinus and others.

Livre de la vie

Dans cette autobiographie spirituelle, achevée en 1562, Thérèse d'Avila montre l. a. valeur providentielle de ce qui lui arrive (son entrée au couvent, l. a. grave maladie qui los angeles frappe, ses visions, enfin sa réforme du Carmel). Consciente des contraintes de los angeles vie matérielle, elle a voulu que ses rookies sachent lire et écrire, afin d'accueillir des femmes d'esprit, capables de résister à l. a. tentation d'un mysticisme de pacotille.

Teachings of the Hindu Mystics

This anthology collects the main lyrical, passionate, illuminating writings of the Hindu mystical culture. Andrew Harvey, the preferred religious pupil and author, has chosen excerpts from historical and modern assets, together with extracts from the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and different classical Hindu texts; the phrases of such venerable religious academics as Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi; and the devotional poetry of Mirabai, Ramprasad, and so on.

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The powers do not see those who are clothed in the perfect light, and consequently are not able to detain them. One will clothe himself in this light sacramentally in the union. If the woman had not separated from the man, she would not die with the man. His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this Christ came to repair the separation which was from the beginning and to again unite the two, to give life to those who died as a result of the separation and unite them. But the woman is united to her husband in the bridal chamber.

You say the Spirit in the flesh, and it is also this light in the flesh. In this world those who put on garments are better than the garments. In the Kingdom of Heaven the garments are better than those that put them on. It is through water and fire that the whole place is purified - the visible by the visible, the hidden by the hidden. There are some things hidden through those visible. There is water in the water, there is fire in the chrism. Jesus took them all by stealth, for he did not reveal himself in the manner in which he was, but it was in the manner in which they would be able to see him that he revealed himself.

When it was loosened, it found that it was still at the same place. There are men who make many journeys, but make no progress towards a destination. When evening came upon them, they saw neither city nor village, neither creation nor nature, power nor angel. In vain have the wretches labored. The eucharist is Jesus. For he is called in Syriac Pharisatha which is the one who is spread out for Jesus came crufifying the world. The Lord went into the dye works of Levi. He took seventy-two different colors and threw them into the vat.

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