Download German and Nordic Perspectives on Company Law and Capital by Holger Fleischer, Jesper Lau Hansen, Wolf-Georg Ringe PDF

By Holger Fleischer, Jesper Lau Hansen, Wolf-Georg Ringe

The amount lines again to a symposium held on the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and foreign inner most legislation in Hamburg and gives a large comparative research of corporation and capital markets legislation in Germany and the Nordic states. It info the distinctive parts of corporation legislation in Scandinavia that constructed amid the dual forces of leading edge experimentation and the force for harmonization, contrasting them with the special beneficial properties of German corporation legislations. additional contributions take care of the newly created entrepreneur corporation in Germany and Denmark, in addition to the function of shareholders and forums in public businesses. It additionally includes certain analyses of the legislation of corporation teams in Germany and the Nordic states. the amount is additional rounded out with contributions on capital markets legislations and takeover legislation, together with concerns concerning appearing in live performance, possession disclosure and the interplay among the legislator and the takeover panel in Sweden.

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In many cases the solutions found in the directives - as for instance the rules on capital in the 2nd company law directive - were made universally applicable to both private and public companies. 1 0 Although for instance the Swedish legislator has presented a number of arguments for this type of implementa­ tion, the truth is presumably that this was the quickest and least burdensome way for the legislator to adhere to the requirements of the directives . At this time, no one was considering whether and, if yes, to what extent this type of implementation would lead to unnecessary transaction costs for small and medium-sized companies.

The first difference being that the "resulting harmonization" within the Scan­ dinavian countries was never mandatory for any of the participating countries - it was all a co-operation on voluntary basis. 7 With these two differences in mind, one critical question is if the EU and its Member States can learn anything from the experiences in the Nordic countries as regards harmonization or, more precisely, the "resulting harmo­ nization"? Another critical question is if the EU and its Member States can learn anything from the subsequent Scandinavian "experiments" in company law?

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