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By Osho

In Freedom, Osho outlines 3 levels of freedom. the 1st is "freedom from," that is a freedom that comes from breaking out of what he calls the "psychological slavery" imposed by way of outdoors forces similar to mom and dad, society, or faith. the subsequent level is "freedom for," a favorable freedom that comes from embracing and developing something---a pleasurable dating, for instance, or a creative or humanitarian imaginative and prescient. And finally there's "just freedom," the top and supreme freedom. This final freedom is greater than being for or opposed to whatever; it's the freedom of easily being oneself and responding honestly to every moment.The Insights for a brand new lifestyle sequence goals to polish mild on ideals and attitudes that hinder contributors from being their precise selves. The textual content is an crafty mixture of compassion and humor, and readers are inspired to confront what they might so much wish to stay away from, which in flip offers the main to real perception and power.Freedom is helping readers to spot the hindrances to their freedom, either circumstantial and self-imposed, to decide on their battles properly, and to discover the braveness to be precise to themselves.

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Extra info for Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself (Osho, Insights for a New Way of Living Series)

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That is very dangerous too, because by becoming a lion you will annoy all the camels around you, and the camels are peace-loving animals; they are always ready to compromise. They don't want to be disturbed, they don't want any new thing to happen in the world, because all new things disturb. They are against the revolutionaries and the rebellious, and not about great things, mind you-not about Socrates and Christ; they are bringing great revolutions-the camels are afraid of such small things that you will be surprised.

Existence is interdependence--all are dependent on each other, It is all one. The sense of the whole is born: no I, no thou, no fixation with yes other or no, no obsession either to say yes always or to say no always; more fluidity, more spontaneity; neither obedience nor disobedience, but spontaneity. Responsibility is born. One responds to existence, does not react out of the past, and does not react out of the future. The camel lives in the past, the lion lives in the future, the child lives in the present, herenow.

Just by being independent you will not be fulfilled. It is good to be out of the prison, but for what? Independence for what? Freedom for what? Remember, freedom has two aspects: first, freedom from, and second, freedom for. Many people attain only to the first kind of freedom, freedom from--free from the parents, free from the church, free from the organization, free from this and that, free from all kinds of prisons. But for what? This is a very negative freedom. If you know only freedom. from, you have not known real freedom; you have known only the negative aspect.

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