Download Handbook of Competence and Motivation by Andrew J. Elliot PhD, Carol S. Dweck PhD, David S. Yeager PDF

By Andrew J. Elliot PhD, Carol S. Dweck PhD, David S. Yeager PhD

This significant guide offers a finished, authoritative evaluation of accomplishment motivation and establishes the idea that of competence as an organizing framework for the sector. The editors synthesize assorted views on why and the way everyone is prompted at school, paintings, activities, and different settings. Written by means of major investigators, chapters reexamine relevant constructs in fulfillment motivation; discover the impression of developmental, contextual, and sociocultural components; and examine the position of self-regulatory techniques. concentrating on the ways that fulfillment is encouraged by means of the need to adventure competence and steer clear of experiencing incompetence, the quantity integrates disparate theories and findings and units forth a coherent schedule for destiny study.

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Thus, conventional tests may unduly favor a small segment of the population by virtue of the narrow kind of developing expertise they measure. When one measures a broader range of developing competencies and expertise, the results look quite different. Moreover, the broader range of expertise includes kinds of skills that will be important in the world of work and in the world of the family. Even in developed countries, practical competencies probably matter as much as or more than do academic ones for many aspects of life success.

What Dweck has shown is that some individuals are entity theorists with respect to intelligence: They believe that to be smart is to show oneself to be smart, and that means not making mistakes or otherwise showing intellectual weakness. Incremental theorists, in contrast, believe that to be smart is to learn and to increase one’s intellectual skills. These individuals are not afraid to make mistakes and even believe that making mistakes can be useful, because it is a way to learn. Dweck and her colleagues’ research suggests that, under normal conditions, en- All of the elements discussed earlier are characteristics of the learner.

1994). The effects of context on cognition: Postcards from Brazil. In R. J. Sternberg & R. K. ), Mind in context: Interactionist perspectives on human intelligence (pp. 74–101). New York: Cambridge University Press. Chi, M. T. , & Farr, M. J. ). (1988). The nature of expertise. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Dweck, C. S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. Dweck, C. S. (2002). Messages that motivate: How praise molds students’ beliefs, motivation, and performance (in surprising ways).

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