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By Ana Irene Ramirez Galarza

Este texto constituye una introducción al estudio de este tipo de geometría e incluye ilustraciones, ejemplos, ejercicios y preguntas que permiten al lector poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos.

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This e-book via Jakob Nielsen (1890-1959) and Werner Fenchel (1905-1988) has had
a lengthy and intricate historical past. In 1938-39, Nielsen gave a chain of lectures on
discontinuous teams of motions within the non-euclidean aircraft, and this led him - in the course of
World warfare II - to jot down the 1st chapters of the e-book (in German). while Fenchel,
who needed to break out from Denmark to Sweden due to the German profession,
returned in 1945, Nielsen initiated a collaboration with him on what grew to become recognized
as the Fenchel-Nielsen manuscript. at the moment they have been either on the Technical
University in Copenhagen. the 1st draft of the Fenchel-Nielsen manuscript (now
in English) used to be complete in 1948 and it used to be deliberate to be released within the Princeton
Mathematical sequence. in spite of the fact that, because of the fast improvement of the topic, they felt
that immense adjustments needed to be made ahead of booklet.
When Nielsen moved to Copenhagen collage in 1951 (where he stayed until eventually
1955), he was once a lot concerned with the foreign association UNESCO, and the
further writing of the manuscript used to be left to Fenchel. The documents of Fenchel now
deposited and catalogued on the division of arithmetic at Copenhagen Univer-
sity comprise unique manuscripts: a partial manuscript (manuscript zero) in Ger-
man containing Chapters I-II (

I -15), and a whole manuscript (manuscript I) in
English containing Chapters I-V (

1-27). The records additionally comprise a part of a corre-
spondence (first in German yet later in Danish) among Nielsen and Fenchel, the place
Nielsen makes certain reviews to Fenchel's writings of Chapters III-V. Fenchel,
who succeeded N. E. Nf/Jrlund at Copenhagen collage in 1956 (and stayed there
until 1974), used to be greatly concerned with a radical revision of the curriculum in al-
gebra and geometry, and centred his learn within the conception of convexity, heading
the foreign Colloquium on Convexity in Copenhagen 1965. for nearly two decades
he additionally placed a lot attempt into his task as editor of the newly begun magazine Mathematica
Scandinavica. a lot to his dissatisfaction, this job left him little time to complete the
Fenchel-Nielsen venture the best way he desired to.
After his retirement from the collage, Fenchel - assisted by means of Christian Sieben-
eicher from Bielefeld and Mrs. Obershelp who typed the manuscript - discovered time to
finish the ebook simple Geometry in Hyperbolic house, which was once released by way of
Walter de Gruyter in 1989 almost immediately after his demise. at the same time, and with an analogous
collaborators, he supervised a typewritten model of the manuscript (manuscript 2) on
discontinuous teams, elimination the various vague issues that have been within the unique
manuscript. Fenchel advised me that he reflected removal elements of the introductory
Chapter I within the manuscript, due to the fact that this could be lined by way of the ebook pointed out above;
but to make the Fenchel-Nielsen booklet self-contained he finally selected to not do
so. He did choose to miss
27, entitled Thefundamental crew.

As editor, i began in 1990, with the consent of the criminal heirs of Fenchel and
Nielsen, to provide a TEX-version from the newly typewritten model (manuscript 2).
I am thankful to Dita Andersen and Lise Fuldby-Olsen in my division for hav-
ing performed an excellent task of typing this manuscript in AMS- TEX. i've got additionally had
much support from my colleague J0rn B0rling Olsson (himself a pupil of Kate Fenchel
at Aarhus college) with the evidence studying of the TEX-manuscript (manuscript three)
against manuscript 2 in addition to with a basic dialogue of the variation to the fashion
of TEX. In such a lot respects we determined to stick with Fenchel's intentions. besides the fact that, turning
the typewritten version of the manuscript into TEX helped us to make sure that the notation,
and the spelling of sure key-words, will be uniform in the course of the e-book. additionally,
we have indicated the start and finish of an evidence within the ordinary type of TEX.
With this TEX -manuscript I approached Walter de Gruyter in Berlin in 1992, and
to my nice aid and delight they agreed to post the manuscript of their sequence
Studies in arithmetic. i'm so much thankful for this optimistic and quickly response. One
particular challenge with the book became out to be the copy of the numerous
figures that are an essential component of the presentation. Christian Siebeneicher had at
first agreed to convey those in ultimate digital shape, yet by means of 1997 it turned transparent that he
would now not be ready to locate the time to take action. although, the writer provided an answer
whereby I should still convey distinct drawings of the figures (Fenchel didn't go away such
for Chapters IV and V), after which they'd manage the construction of the figures in
electronic shape. i'm very thankful to Marcin Adamski, Warsaw, Poland, for his nice
collaboration in regards to the genuine construction of the figures.
My colleague Bent Fuglede, who has personaHy identified either authors, has kindly
written a quick biography of the 2 of them and their mathematical achievements,
and which additionally locations the Fenchel-Nielsen manuscript in its right viewpoint. In
this connection i want to thank The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and
Letters for permitting us to incorporate during this publication reproductions of pictures of the 2
authors that are within the ownership of the Academy.
Since the manuscript makes use of a few designated symbols, an inventory of notation with brief
explanations and connection with the particular definition within the booklet has been integrated. additionally,
a complete index has been additional. In either circumstances, all references are to sections,
not pages.
We thought of including an entire record of references, yet made up our minds opposed to it as a result of
the overwhelming variety of examine papers during this zone. as a substitute, a far shorter
list of monographs and different entire money owed suitable to the topic has been
My ultimate and so much honest thank you visit Dr. Manfred Karbe from Walter de Gruyter
for his commitment and perseverance in bringing this ebook into lifestyles.

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Extra info for Geometria Analitica: Una introduccion a la geometria

Sample text

Teorema de Pit´agoras. En un tri´angulo rect´angulo, la suma de los cuadrados de los catetos es igual al cuadrado de la hipotenusa. Teorema de Tales. La suma de los ´angulos de cualquier tri´angulo es igual a 180◦ . Dado un tri´angulo cualquiera, denotaremos por A, B y C sus v´ertices, por α, β y γ los ´angulos correspondientes (y tambi´en sus medidas), y por a, b y c los respectivos lados opuestos (y sus medidas), como en la figura siguiente. 6: Elementos de un tri´angulo. los lados corresponde a un recorrido positivo (el ´area encerrada por el tri´angulo queda a la izquierda cuando se recorre el tri´angulo de A a B, de B a C y de C a A).

Definici´ on. 13). 23 Ê Definici´ on. 13). Vale la pena observar que en la definici´on de simetr´ıa respecto al origen hay tres cambios de signo, en la de simetr´ıa respecto a un eje hay dos cambios de signo (de las variables ajenas al eje), y en la de simetr´ıa respecto a un plano hay s´olo un cambio de signo (de la variable ajena al plano). Con esta observaci´on, deber´a ser sencillo resolver los ejercicios 4 y 5 siguientes. 13: Simetr´ıas respecto al origen, los ejes y los planos coordenados en Ê3 24 EJERCICIOS 1.

Hablemos ahora de las medidas de los ´angulos. En la escuela elemental nos ense˜ naron a medir los ´angulos con un transportador cuyas divisiones marcadas corresponden a grados, entendi´endose por grado la medida de un ´angulo que abarca 1/360 de la circunferencia. Pero una calculadora de bolsillo de las llamadas cient´ıficas, que puede proporcionarnos el valor del seno y dem´as funciones trigonom´etricas de un ´angulo, admite tambi´en medidas del ´angulo en una unidad llamada radi´an, cuya definici´on consignamos a continuaci´on (no utilizaremos la unidad llamada mil que satisface 1600 mil = 90◦ ).

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