Download The Myth of the Great War: A New Military History of World by John Mosier PDF

By John Mosier

Based on formerly unused French and German resources, this difficult and arguable new research of the conflict at the Western entrance from 1914 to 1918 finds how and why the Germans received the foremost battles with one-half to one-third fewer casualties than the Allies, and the way American troops in 1918 kept the Allies from defeat and a negotiated peace with the Germans.

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Lockett Samuel H. The son of Napoleon Lockett and Mary Clay Lockett, he grew up in Marion, Alabama, where he attended Howard College. In 1859 he graduated second in his class from the US Military Academy at West Point and was appointed to the Corps of Topographical Engineers. Resigning from his post in 1861, he accepted a commission in the Confederate army and, on June 20, 1862 was ordered to report to General Martin L. Smith as an engineer officer. He remained in that capacity until November I when he was appointed Chief Engineer of the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, with responsibility for operations from Holly Springs, Mississippi to Port Hudson, Louisiana.

Roberts, 23rd Alabama Infantry, in the Square Fort: "The fire from our trenches upon the enemy was slow and deliberate. The sharpshooters Renowned as a "fine shot," Lieutenant Colonel William E. Strong, an officer of the 12th Wisconsin Infantry on the staff of General J. B. McPherson, ;s shown here among Federal sharpshooters in a rifle trench in the Vicksburg siege lines. Based on an original sketch by Theodore R. Davis, this engraving was published in Harper's Weekly on June 27, 1863 with the following account: "The sketch is of an incident coming under my observation while, a few days since, I was making my way, with due regard for personal safety, through the trenches and rifle-pits to a point from which a near view of the rebel works could be obtained.

Our men did not receive the support which had been promised them, and were compelled to fall back, leaving the enemy again in possession of the fort. In fact, only a small force of Confederate volunteers composed of 40 men of Waul's Texas Legion, led by Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Pettus, 20th Alabama Infantry, recaptured the redoubt. In his report of the action, General Stevenson recorded: "Undaunted, this little band, its chivalrous commander at its head, rushed upon the work, and in less time than it requires to describe it, it and the flags were in our possession.

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