Download Yamabe-type Equations on Complete, Noncompact Manifolds by Paolo Mastrolia PDF

By Paolo Mastrolia

The target of this monograph is to provide a self-contained creation to a few geometric and analytic features of the Yamabe challenge. The publication additionally describes a variety of tools and methods that may be effectively utilized to nonlinear differential equations in relatively demanding events. Such occasions happen the place the shortcoming of compactness, symmetry and homogeneity prevents using extra normal instruments often utilized in compact events or for the Euclidean environment. The paintings is written in a simple variety that makes it available even to non-specialists.

After a self-contained therapy of the geometric instruments utilized in the booklet, readers are brought to the most topic by way of a concise yet transparent examine of a few elements of the Yamabe challenge on compact manifolds. This examine presents the incentive and geometrical feeling for the next a part of the paintings. primarily physique of the ebook, it really is proven how the geometry and the research of nonlinear partial differential equations mixture jointly to offer updated effects on life, nonexistence, forte and a priori estimates for recommendations of normal Yamabe-type equations and inequalities on entire, non-compact Riemannian manifolds.

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13. 82) for some G ∈ C 0 ([0, +∞)), G ≥ 0, where r(x) = dist(x, o). Let h ∈ C 2 ([0, +∞)) be the nonnegative solution of the problem h − G(t)h = 0, h(0) = 0, h (0) = 1. 85) where ωm is the volume of the unit sphere in Rm . Moreover, R→ vol BR (o) R 0 h(t)m−1 dt is a nonincreasing function on (0, +∞). 2. 13, and also in the next chapters, we first recall the useful co-area formula. We denote with W 1,1 (M ) the Sobolev space consisting of functions in L1 (M ) with (weak) gradient also in L1 (M ).

Then ϕi (0) = 0, ϕi > 0 on (0, Ti ) and straightforward computations show that ϕi (t) = gi (t)ϕi (t), ϕi (0) = 1 and ϕ1 ≤ Gϕ1 on (0, T1 ); ϕ2 ≥ Gϕ2 on (0, T2 ). 9 shows that T1 ≤ T2 and g1 = (0, T1 ), as required. ϕ1 ϕ1 ≤ ϕ2 ϕ2 = g2 on We are now ready to prove the next Laplacian comparison theorem, which is a simplified (but sufficient for our purposes) version of that appearing in [PRS08]: 26 Chapter 1. 11. Let (M, , ) be a complete manifold of dimension m ≥ 2. Having fixed a reference point o ∈ M , let r(x) = distM (x, o).

36), Rli,i = 1 Sl . 13) δik = Si . 14) where {ej } is the orthonormal frame dual to the coframe θj . Since the covariant derivative satisfies the Leibniz rule, the divergence of W is given by div W = Wkk = Xki Tik + X i Tik,k . 20), Tik Xki = 1 i 1 X + Xik Tik = (LX , )ik Tik . 2 k 2 It follows that m−2 1 (LX , )ik Tik + X(S). 16) 2 2m We now recall that a vector field X is said to be conformal if it generates a local 1-parameter group ϕt of local conformal diffeomorphisms, that is div W = (ϕ∗t , )p = ρt (p) , p , p∈M for some positive function ρt .

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