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By Kenneth Hagin

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Get an attitude of victory instead of an attitude of defeat. Learn to take bold steps in faith in order to appropriate the victory that belongs to you in Christ. You'll never have the best or be the best you can be if you're willing to settle for mediocrity. Say this out loud: "I will succeed in life spiritually and naturally. I will come out on top. The enemy cannot defeat me. He cannot hem me in, because I will take bold action. I will find God's will by reading and studying His Word. I will exercise confident faith to appropriate the victory that belongs to me.

Blah nothing! It's like listening to some songs and then realizing the words don't mean anything! For example, I grew up in the '50s, when quite often, backup singers would just sing words that didn't mean a thing! A lot of believers do the same thing spiritually. They start believing God. Then all of a sudden, instead of speaking and moving in line with God's Word the way they are supposed to, they start speaking doubt and unbelief. Because their words have nothing that God can work with, He is hindered from moving on their behalf.

After serving as an associate pastor, Rev. Hagin traveled as an evangelist throughout the United States and abroad and was responsible for organizing RHEMA Bible Training Center, a school which equips men and women for the ministry. In addition to his administrative and teaching responsibilities at RHEMA, Rev. Hagin is senior pastor of RHEMA Bible Church, a large and thriving congregation on the RHEMA campus. He is also International Director of RHEMA Ministerial Association International and has a weekly radio program, “RHEMA Radio Church,” which is heard on stations throughout the United States.

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