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By Walter Isaacson

Quando, nel 1900, Lord Kelvin dichiarò che los angeles fisica non aveva ormai "nulla di nuovo da scoprire", il mondo scientifico non sospettava che, di lì a pochi anni, gli articoli di un giovane impiegato dell'Ufficio brevetti di Berna, basati su esperimenti mentali, avrebbero rivoluzionato l. a. scienza. Albert Einstein, il mite rifugiato in fuga dall'oppressione, con los angeles sua aureola di capelli arruffati, gli occhi pensosi, los angeles sua accattivante umanità e il suo limpido genio spicca come icona suprema del Novecento. Gli impulsi ribelli, l. a. curiosità, le passioni e l'elegante distacco che permeano l. a. sua produzione scientifica hanno dominato anche los angeles vita affettiva e los angeles dimensione politica dell'uomo Einstein. A un secolo di distanza dalle sue straordinarie scoperte risulta ancora stupefacente che un giovane studioso sia riuscito da solo a ridisegnare l'universo. Come funzionava l. a. sua mente? Quanto influiva l'intuizione e quanto l. a. logica nel suo modo di pensare? Che cosa fece di lui un genio? Walter Isaacson ci offre una biografia completa di Einstein, probabilmente lo scienziato più famoso e più amato di tutti i tempi, cercando di indagare lo stretto legame tra creatività e libertà che fece di un fisico teorico capace delle più complicate astrazioni un personaggio pubblico di grande carisma, impegnato a difendere los angeles causa della speed e della giustizia sociale.

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At the end of the year, Emma was breastfeeding Annie, but she had little milk and the doctor told her it would not matter if she stopped. ” Charles was a doting father to Willy and Annie, and was eager for their attention. ” But Annie was “very naughty” about her father and would not go to him. ” That month, Emma became pregnant with her third child. ” A few weeks later, William Darwin Fox’s wife died giving birth to their sixth child. With Emma now expecting her third, Charles must have had the dangers of her forthcoming confinement in mind when he wrote to his cousin: “What a comfort it must be to you; that is, I think I should find it the greatest, the having children.

It was widely believed that humans were part of a “vast chain of being” which was a fundamental element in the Divine plan of Creation. ” Next below were the great apes. The likenesses were remarkable, but they posed no challenge to our pride as long as each animal in the sequence was seen as a separate creation, fixed in its position in the ascending scale. A number of thinkers before Charles had suggested that humans might be tied more closely with the great apes. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Scottish philosopher Lord Monboddo both believed that chimpanzees and orang-utans were human beings in a more primitive state.

He challenged the idea of separate creation, and suggested that God might work at one remove through laws of nature which somehow brought new kinds of creature into being. ” Charles now made it his aim to find that process. In the first months Charles did not say clearly in his notes how he saw mankind in the scheme of things, or what possibilities he was considering, but he quickly came to believe that humans were a species of animal like any other and had evolved naturally from animal ancestors just as the others had.

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